Chapter Minutes

Minutes of February 12, 2013 Meeting

Call to Order

President Sydney A . called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. She welcomed guests Sandy H, JoAnn B. and Rita B.

February Birthdays

Happy Birthday to Liz G., Clara S., and Jackie W.

Secretary's Report

Minutes were distributed to members.

Treasures Report

Balance remains $5459.03. The annual report has been filed.

President's  Report

Stitch in Public Day had a nice turnout - overall a good day. Thank you, Carol T. for your efforts in organizing this event.
Karen B. is working on our new blog that was designed by Cathy R.
The 20th Anniversary Committee will be working on a celebration to be held this fall. The committee (Ellie R., Pam S., Mary Ellen H., Carol T., Karen B. and Loretta P.) would welcome ideas from the membership.

Officer and Committee Reports

Ellie R. (our historian and hospitality chair) has a notebook for members to sign-up for bringing treats during 2013. Also, she has a photo book of guild activities on display.
Karen B. reminded those participating in tonight's program to pick up a kit and announced that the March program wold be part 2 of the stump work project begun in January. She also recommended that those who have not yet seen our display of needlework tools at the Woodridge Library do so before the end of February.

Unfinished Business


New Business

Wendy L. spoke about her recent trip to Arcola with a group of 14 stitchers. She learned that Rockome Gardens has new owners who are interested in revitalizing the facility and are considering reinstating the National Counted Cross Stitch Show if there is still sufficient interest in such a show. Evidently there have been significant changes at the gardens - some buildings have been torn down while others are being used for different purposes. She will keep up apprised of any developments.

Member's Announcements

Clara S. and Joyce K. talked about a possible "Stitching Saturday",  a joint one-day workshop sponsored by Waterfall Glen and the NANI Guild to be held in the spring of 2014. The group is currently looking for teachers for a suggested canvas or wool project. There is a need for volunteers for an opportunity basket coordinator, a desert coordinator (thank you Karen B. for volunteering) , and other volunteers to help with donations.
If you are interested in participating, there will be a meeting or members of both guilds on Monday, March 12, 2013, at Noon, at the Eggcetera, at 10120 191st Street in Mokena.


Karen B. finished her first and last beaded bracelet.
Rita B. showed us a row quilt that she was finishing. Seven individuals each added a row to this very beautiful quilt.
Joyce K. finished two ornaments and a cute Halloween witch.
Carol T. has been very busy- she displayed scarves, hats, doll sweaters, a table runner, stitched pieces of a rabbit, a reindeer and a turkey. Also a Happy New Year piece and a cardinal ornament. She also announced that accessories for the "zip it up" project were still available.
Sandy H. showed us a finished autumn and Christmas piece as well as a stitched pillow.
Carol S. spoke about a sampler symposium in Phoenix. She also displayed a French pattern book that contained designs created for the symposium.
Kim K. showed us wedding, birthday and anniversary cards that she recently finished.
Clara S. finished a sea shell and a crab pillow.

Tonight's Program

"All You Need is Love" is taught by Cathy R. It's a small piece using Glorianna silks.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Ellen H.

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